How To Declutter in the Moving Process

Where should I pack the air fresheners? Where will this side table go? Hmm…a random pen…

Should I keep this jacket?  Should I donate these socks?  Should we sell this couch? It’s still pretty new.  Do we change our carpet to wooden floors before we leave?

During a move, there is an infinite number of decisions to be made. You’re transporting loads of stuff but also facing career and lifestyle changes.

How are we going to fit everything in the U-Haul?  How will we find new jobs?  How will we keep our dog’s routine close to his current routine?

The option to keep, give away, sell, throw away, or donate looms upon you as you sort through the hundreds of items you own.

Let’s become minimalists! Why don’t we donate half of our shoes? We need to try to lighten our load.  

Do these questions sound familiar? I’m pretty certain it’s only 1% of how many you’re asking yourself as you pack up and get ready to move out!

Envisioning Your New Future

In the process of moving, it is amazing how you need to account for every single item under your roof and decide its fate.  Whether it’s your bug spray from camping five years ago to your sixteen pillowcases, the practice of decision-making can be daunting.

It is also an incredible opportunity to wrap up your life belongings in one place and have the power to decide what you prefer to carry forward as you envision your new life ahead.

How do you imagine your new life to be? It’s time to design the home of your dreams. What will your new kitchen look like? Your new office? Which items will you keep to make this vision come true? Which will you discard?

While you put together the pieces to this new picture, I encourage you to embrace this chance to filter out everything weighing you down! The process is intimidating. It’s also a necessary one. The more faithful you are to this process, the closer you will be to the colorful, bright, and rocking future just around the corner!

Be Mentally Prepared

From the big move out of your old abode to the unpacking and organizing process of your brand-new home sweet home, you will find yourself in a world of decision-making from morning to night.  Be prepared for this mental challenge and sustain your ability to exercise your decision-making skills. 

Choosing To See The Positive

During a move, there is a lot to complain about! No one will disagree. There are endless areas to clean. Silly knick knacks to reckon with. Heavy furniture to deal with. Relocating your collection of goods from one place to another is likely going to require an energy level that surpasses what you have.

Nevertheless, be optimistic!

Remember that you have an opportunity here. No, you don’t know what lies ahead. Even so, move forward with confidence. Living your days with an assuring mindset will not only help your mood and ability to cope with hardships, but your body will also thank you for it, too.

Medical studies show that choosing to think optimistic thoughts versus negative ones will enhance your physical well-being. Moving is only one of the likely sources of stress in life. Resolving to emerge positively through with a cheerful mind is an excellent decision every time.

It’s Never Too Early To Start!

While moving can occur unexpectedly, in many cases they are planned. For years, 2019 had been our target year to move. A couple of years prior, I caught the minimalist bug.

Minimalist closet. Capsule wardrobe. Marie Kondo’s Kon Marie Method. Tidying up. Declutter. Consignment stores. Uptown Cheapskate. Tiny Houses.

Have you heard of any of these? These are the life-changing trigger words that drove my ambitious purging sessions!

I inundated myself with articles, Netflix shows, and consignment runs. Since I experienced moving seven times during my single days, I knew how exhausting moving could be. I also had a hunch approximately 40% of the stuff in our home was being stored and not used. The lack of functionality drove me bonkers!

Create A Home, Not A Public Storage Unit

I was determined to create a home. I could no longer bear the thought of providing storage, like a Public Storage unit, containing innumerable items we never touched in years!

The first time I weeded out our home, we donated 30 bags worth! These were between only two people, my husband and I. They mostly contained clothes, shoes, linens, and bags.

Do you know what the strangest experience about this was apart from the shock of how much stuff we had? Removing 30 trash bags worth of unused stuff didn’t leave our apartment with any extra space!

We people somehow squeeze more and more matter into whatever space we can find. At the end of the day, we forget what we own. We have less space to enjoy!

Ever since that first purge, each one after it included less and less stuff. At some point, you will realize you are done decluttering, at least for now.

Until then, take back your home and the space you’re paying for! You’ll find this process rewarding and enlightening, too.

One Section At A Time

One tip that helped me was to work in sections around the house.  One day I focused on the kitchen.  The next day I packed up all my dog’s belongings.  Another day was donation and consignment day.  As they say, one woman’s junk is another woman’s treasure. 

I charted out my stops. Then I loaded my car according to the order of my drop offs.

Since we’re such sticklers on cleanliness, I cleaned as I went. Before handing over our keys, I cleaned the floors and carpet one final time.

Some people save all the cleaning for a professional company to handle. We decided to try to save money since we prided ourselves on an excellent job. (I am both cursed and obsessed with detailing.)

Working in sections or by category helped me mentally break down the tasks ahead of me. A sane mind is a good mind!

Fun Breaks and Deep Breaths

Are you taking breaks?

Take breaks whenever you need to.  This is important. You are inching closer to the end! Commend yourself for all the progress you are making every day. You deserve it.

A few deep breaths here and there will help you persevere in this marathon.  Ask Alexa to play your favorite tunes. Jog around the block and get your heart rate up. Grab some of your favorite ice cream. Call a friend to update them.

Keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed and going over the edge with madness! 

While I prepared for the big move, I had days where I sorted, packed and cleaned non-stop. Other days I did absolutely nothing. You wouldn’t have thought I had a big move coming up. 

I tried to keep my saneness yet still be productive. 

Find your groove and rhythm.  Take your yoga breaks, sugar breaks, YouTube breaks, napping breaks, and walks with your dog to get some fresh air. 

Do whatever you need to do to find your way.  You will get there! 

Moving is a grueling process with a multitude of decisions to make.  You’re not alone. Find little ways to make it a gratifying journey you won’t soon forget! You’ll be glad you did.

Next article – – Build a New Routine

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