Joan’s on Third (Studio City)

Looking for a quick break? Need to find a place to grab a tasty morsel or catch up with an old friend?

You’ll be happy you experienced Joan’s on Third!

Joan McNamara, Owner and Creative Director of Joan’s on Third, grew to be a successful entrepreneur, chef, and curator after studying under her mother’s wings in their family kitchen.

Walking into Joan’s on Third, you’ll immediately encounter a slew of gourmet products, delectable pastries and a Marketplace producing ready-to-eat lunch items that are picture perfect. (Breakfast, dinner, and picnic meals are available, too!)

Joan’s on Third presents eye-candy in the form of food, drink, venue (This space is available for rent!), people, action, and high-quality products for sale. It will take you a minute to settle in. Once you’ve found your north, it’s time to make decisions.

I dropped in Joan’s on Third after checking my dog into daycare down the street. Little did I know that Joan’s on Third allowed dogs inside!

Since I already had a light breakfast, I went with an iced vanilla latte with a coconut cupcake. By the way, after returning from a short trip to Portland, I was pleasantly surprised to see Stumptown Cold Brew available here!

The iced latte had a perfect combination of coffee, ice, and sweetness. The cupcake had the one factor I look for in cupcakes individually purchased. It was moist! It was also cake-like and scrumptious.

The Marketplace with Sandwiches, Salads, Hot and Cold Beverages, and Bakery are filled with classics on its menu. You will definitely not have the problem of limited options here!

After finding a spot on one of their bench tables, I realized how the seating made you feel a part of a community. Yes, the proximity to the next person beside me was close. It was as if we walked into Joan’s on Third accompanying each other that day.

Still, it was nice to be uncomfortably comfortable, enjoy my cafe nibble and focus on my reading and composition for that day. A few of the things in life that make me happy!

I did realize after finding my seat that there was no free WiFi for customers here. After confirming this with a server, I respectfully accepted this fact. Yes, I would survive without free WiFi today.

Having a WiFi free afternoon meant everything around me was that much clearer and vivid. I appreciated this move by Joan’s on Third. Making the most of the tangibles in a local cafe is something you never regret.

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