The Art of Moving

How many times have you moved in your lifetime?

As a 43-year-old I’ve resided in twenty-two different homes. The city I live in now is my fourteenth city!

What does your life journey look like mapped out?

The definition of moving is in motion. During a move, your mind makes endless decisions. Your heart pulls in different directions. Your body is cleaning, carrying, and lifting for days on end. Your soul can feel a little lost with all the changes.

In The Art Of Moving section, we will break down this process to understand it better. Some areas we will take a closer look at include: how to declutter, building new routines in a new home, paying attention to your emotions gone awry, and how to handle an in-between transitional stage after you move.

The process of leaving behind home is usually a mixed one.  You’ve had both sweet and bitter memories here.  Even the homes that are short-lived can have some of your favorite memories. 

I tend to be much more sentimental than my husband. For me, every room contains special memories, good and bad. Since I’ve lived here for seven years, the longest I have lived anywhere in my life, there’s that much more meaning. What are you leaving behind?

Be Mindful Of Your Pets and Kids And Their Moving Process

How many life-changing events occurred in your last home?  

During our fourth year at the home we just left behind, we bought a dog for the first time. As an 11-week old pup, our dog grew up in our guest restroom as his first bedroom. Then he upgraded to the laundry room.  With our dog’s first memories here, I cherish it more.

Remember that even for kids and pets, they leave behind their secure and comfortable shelter without knowing it’ll probably be the last time they can relax and enjoy it.

Be patient with yourselves and with your kids and pets, too! 

Part of your heart will stay in your old home. The other part will move forward with your new life ahead. You may find this to be true for at least some time. I strongly felt this split for a good five weeks. Let yourself miss what you had! You’re essentially grieving so give yourself this time.

One day you may return. You’ll be surprised to find your heart in a different place! I guarantee this.  

Next article – – How To Declutter In The Moving Process

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